Advantages of Replacing Your Entry Door in Winter

Conventional wisdom dictates that you should not tackle any exterior projects like an entry door replacement in winter. This notion is sensible, for the harsher elements increase the level of inconvenience associated with such a home improvement job.

However, winter can offer unique rewards to homeowners who choose to renovate during the coldest months. 

Quick Problem Detection

Not knowing when to replace a door is a common dilemma of many homeowners. It can be a troublesome stressor, for buying a new fixture prematurely may be a waste of funds.

In winter, this problem is less of a concern since structural defects are easier to detect during this season due to cold drafts and operational difficulties. 

Greater Energy Savings

Replacing a leaky entry door is an effective way to winterize your house. A custom-fit fixture can boost your property’s energy efficiency, allowing you to stay comfortable inside without using too much heat. You can maintain the ideal indoor climate of your space with your old door, but expect to pay higher energy bills.

Easy Scheduling

Most homeowners put off home improvements in winter. Take advantage of this trend to book the best contractor and pick the most convenient date for you. 

Fast Turnarounds

Thanks to low construction demand, you may receive your custom-built entry door more quickly in winter. Since it is a slow season, your installation can be done in a timely manner.

Turn to BSR for your door installation needs. Call (607) 229-1280 to set up your free consultation in Vestal or Binghamton, NY.