How to Properly Remove Snow From Your Roof

Is there snow buildup on your roof. Then, you need to take steps to remove it. While contacting professionals may be the smartest move, you can also do some of the removal yourself.

Today, BSR explains how to rid your roof of excess snow:

Stay on the Ground

Rule number one is to never use a ladder. Even if you know your way around it, the inclement weather can make everything slippery. Accidents can happen even to the most careful individuals, pros and do-it-yourselfers alike.

If you don’t have to get on your roof, pull the trigger on the removal. Find even terrain where you can stand steadily on the ground.

Use the Right Tool

Any experienced roof repair specialist would say that you should have the proper equipment and know how to use it effectively. A long snow rake (with a telescoping handle and built-in rollers) is the ideal tool to utilize. Even if you inadvertently brush against the surface, its blade would remain above the shingles and prevent dislodging the granules.

Anticipate the Landing Spot

Don’t start scraping the snow until you have a clear idea where you want it to land. This way, you can keep it (and possibly ice) from hitting you or any of your hapless helpers.

Don’t Remove Them All

The goal of snow removal is reduction, not elimination. Remember: you’re only doing this to bring the amount of snowflakes down to an acceptable level to lighten the load. Trying to rake everything is a waste of energy because a structurally sound roofing system should be able to handle the collective weight of the snow.

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of DIYing snow removal, BSR can do the heavy lifting. Besides, our proven expertise guarantees safety and efficiency to allay your fear of injury or property damage. Call us at (607) 229-1280 now to talk about your needs, and get a free estimate in Vestul, Binghamton or any nearby New York community.